Duty to the Public

- I will be fair, honest, impartial, respectful and professional, and act in good faith in all my business relationships with my clients and the public, including employees and suppliers.
- I will not discriminate in any business activities on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, familial status or handicap, and will comply with all federal, state and local laws concerning discrimination and fair housing.
- I will be truthful regarding my training, experience, qualifications and services.
- I will be truthful regarding my licenses and certifications, and will provide documentation upon request.
- I will uphold and comply with all governing codes, government and municipal statutes and rules, and professional licensing requirements of the jurisdiction in which I conduct business, especially those related to safety.
- I will not engage in any practices that could be damaging to the public, including providing or promoting any building materials, products or techniques that are known to me to be defective, substandard, or likely to cause harm. If such knowledge that is relevant to the project comes to my attention following contract execution and/or project commencement, I will take all necessary steps to notify all relevant parties and engage in immediate mitigation efforts, as I deem appropriate.
- I will be truthful regarding my bonding and insurance coverage.
- I will accept only assignments and projects for which my skills and licensing are commensurate.
- I will strive at all times to promote high-quality and safe products and techniques.
- I will provide a timely and appropriate response to all items and workmanship covered under warranty.
- I will use PDCA Industry Standards as the understood and accepted industry standard.
- I will negotiate fairly and openly with my clients for reasonable compensation, and charge fees and expenses that are reasonable and commensurate with the services and materials to be provided and the responsibilities and risks to be assumed. I will use a written contract that specifies the services to be performed, limitations of services, and expenses and fees, and will adhere to both the letter and the spirit of such contract.
- I will meet all financial and contractual obligations in a timely and responsible manner.
- Should conflicts arise, I will seek to have such disputes negotiated, including mediation or arbitration via an impartial third party, before resorting to litigation.
Duty to the Industry
- I will uphold the integrity and dignity of my profession and not engage in any practices that could bring discredit to the painting industry.
- I will seek to make a reasonable profit, but not at the expense of safety or workmanship.
- I will uphold the conventions of my profession and will provide my services in a professional and workmanlike manner.
- I will comply with all the laws and regulations that govern its practice in my jurisdiction.
- I will strive to engage in professional training and stay up to date with professional development, as well as news, notices and recalls that affect my industry and my clients.
- I will not knowingly violate any law, statute or regulation in the performance of my professional services.
- I will not maliciously or recklessly injure or attempt to injure, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation of others.
- I will engage in ethical business practices that put safety and quality foremost.
- I will seek to be a good steward of the environment in all of my business and contracting practices.